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Digitizing Transport Order Processes with Logistics Companies at DyStar

Data integration with all contracted logistics service companies provides full transparency on transport orders

"We are using several logistics companies to execute our transport orders. With the Bitergo EDI-solution, we now have full transparency on all of our transport orders at any time, no matter who is executing the shipment. This allows us to share this visibility with our customers to support their operational planning."

Sonja Neif
Head of Supply Chain Management - Europe

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Grafik 1 Challenge


  • There was no single point of truth for managing all logistics service providers (LSP) and the respective transport orders.
  • An up-to-date overview on the shipment status was needed.
  • Error-prone manual efforts should be reduced, and data accuracy should be optimized.


  • Bitergo developed an EDI solution, connecting DyStar’s SAP with their LSP’s transport management systems.

    The process works as follows:

    From DyStar towards the LSP:

    • DyStar users create Transport Orders directly in their SAP system.
    • They choose the LSP to execute the shipment from the SAP system.
    • The Bitergo EDI-solution receives the Transport Order data, converts it into the target format of the respective LSP and transfers it to the LSP.

    From the LSP towards DyStar: 
    • The Bitergo EDI-solution receives updates to the status of shipments from the freight forwarders (e.g. “loaded” or “departed”).
    • The updates are converted respectively and sent to DyStar’s SAP where the user has a transparent view on the status of all of their shipments.


Grafik 2 Solution
Grafik 3 Benefits


  • The automated processing of Transport Orders minimizes manual effort and error rates.
  • As a result, DyStar benefits from cost and time savings and a high data quality regarding all Transport Order processes.

Main Services in Use

  • "eConnect" - Connector to SAP
  • "eTransform" - Data conversion
Grafik 4 Services
Grafik 5 production and implementation time

3 Months

In Produktion seit
April 2024



DyStar Group is a leading dyestuff & chemical manufacturer and solution provider, offering customers across the globe a broad portfolio of colorants, specialty chemicals, and services.