Linda Sölter
HR Managerin
❤️ My professional passion:
"I believe that a positive and inspiring working environment is still underestimated. Here at Bitergo, I love recognizing the needs of our employees through regular dialogue and working together in our team to take measures to increase individual well-being - which also has a positive impact on the company's success."
🚀 My goal:
"I want to ensure that Bitergo's positive and inspiring work culture is maintained even as we grow, and that my colleagues always know they will be heard, even during busy times."
💡 What hardly anyone knows about me:
"I firmly believe in the principle of manifestation and the power of a positive mindset. Wish for it & live as if it has already happened - and it will happen."
Contact me at Bitergo:
Let's connect on LinkedIn:ölter-289199232